Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"BraggingWrites": Live from Ohio! -- Part One

Good morning.

I've just boarded a plane at LaGuardia, preparing to head into "the belly of the beast": Columbus, Ohio.

I'm actually going to Columbus to see two clients, but I'd be lying if I claimed not to be a little excited to be "on the ground" in one of the two pivotal primaries being held today.

(As a quick aside, this is the first time I am attempting to post via my Blackberry, and since I may not be in front of a computer for awhile, I hope this actually posts to my blog and looks normal)...

With that said, back to "Super Tuesday II" as at least one cable news network has labeled today, when Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont all will hold their primaries. As has been the case for the last several primaries/caucuses, today is not terribly exciting for the Republican Party, but it is very significant for the Democrats. Looking briefly at the GOP, though, today does hold some significance given that McCain could actually win enough delegates with a strong showing to OFFICIALLY win the Republican Nomination. His ultimate GOP victory remains a forgone conclusion regardless, so let's focus on where the real action is: The Democrats.

So what's the story on the Democratic side? Well, I guess that depends on whom you ask. The campaign of Democratic frontrunner Senator Barack Obama will tell you that unless Senator Hillary Clinton wins Texas AND Ohio by substantial margins (e.g. 10+ points), the delegate count and, more specifically, her deficit in delegates relative to Obama, becomes mathematically daunting, if not impossible for her -- and this is not entirely untrue. Because of the Democratic Party's system of rewarding delegates proportionally (as opposed to the winner-take-all system employed by the GOP), even if Clinton wins in both states, unless she indeed does win big, she would barely dent Obama's delegate lead.

Ok...I'm being told to "turn off all portable electronic devices" and so my blog-by-blackberry attempt will have to take a brief pause. I will be back a bit later between my meetings as time allows, as there's more to say about yet ANOTHER big day in the 2008 race for the White House!

(p.s. Another downside of blogging-by-blackberry is lack of spell check! Apolgies for any typos)!

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