Monday, September 19, 2011

Bill Keller's First Op-Ed: Fill[ing] In the Blanks

Bill Keller (long an unhinged liberal) was the Executive Editor of The New York Times from 2003 until just recently. As he gradually descended into complete liberal psychosis -- beyond even the Times’ fairly lenient stance towards such behavior -- the powers-that-be at The Gray Lady finally did what was right, and he was effectively fired as Executive Editor. (Note that this version of events is based on what I've heard and read, and is contrary to the official story that portrayed the move as Keller’s “stepping down”). Naturally, though – and in true Times’ fashion – he was then awarded for his delusions by being given one of the coveted slots on the paper’s op-ed page! 

His inaugural effort in this new capacity was today, and he penned a column entitled Fill In the Blanks. I found it so wrong-headed and objectionable that I felt compelled to submit a comment. To my slight surprise, my comment was posted, and I thought I would share it with any readers who may still remain following my extended absence from the blogosphere! I'd advise reading Keller's piece first (you can find it here), and then if you're interested, here is my response, which can also be found here on the Times' website. (My comment is posted under the username tbv1977):

It boggles the mind, Mr. Keller, that you (and President Obama) would continue to blame George W. Bush for the problems Obama faces as president and we face as a country. Let's not forget that he sought this job, and did so with a full understanding of the so-called "mess" that Bush had left for him. What's the statute of limitations on blaming one's predecessor? If Obama is reelected will he blame his own first term failings if conditions fail to improve in a second Obama term?
I'm also amazed by your selective memory in blaming Republican resistance for Obama's ineffectiveness. It seems you conveniently forget that Obama had significant majorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency. A president's political capital is never higher than early in his term, and when that capital is coupled with the large congressional majorities he enjoyed for two years, there is literally no one else to blame but Obama and Democrats for not accomplishing more than they did. Sure, they passed healthcare reform and they passed the stimulus, but no one can blame Bush or Republicans for the fact that healthcare reform was (and is) unpopular with most Americans, or for the fact that the stimulus simply did not work (and arguably made matters worse). Republicans didn't "succeed" in "turning 'stimulus' into an expletive" -- the abject failure of the stimulus itself accomplished that. Likewise, the GOP didn't enjoy a victory in "portraying 'Obamacare' as socialized medicine" -- the view of many Americans that Obamacare effectively *is* socialized medicine can take that credit. 
The reality is that apparently you, your wife and your daughters were -- like millions of other Americans -- seduced and duped by the rhetorical magic of Candidate Obama. What has become clear to most Americans by now is that when the teleprompter and grand backdrops are stripped away, the [president] has no clothes. Obama and those who elected him are the only ones to blame for that.

So, readers, what do you think?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let's Kick Off the 2012 Campaign, Shall We?

Greetings to any "Bragging Writes" readers who are still out there (or who have continued to check here for new posts).  I appreciate your loyalty!

A few things have been going on in my life over the last year or two, most notably that my wife and I welcomed our first baby this past summer.  It's been an extraordinary, wonderful, and rewarding time in our lives.  (It's been a challenging and exhausting one, too)!  Long story short: there's been no time for me to blog, and further -- and quite frankly -- the issues and people dominating the political headlines since the election of President Obama haven't been compelling enough to inspire me to take to the keyboard!  With my son now just over 6 months old (and finally sleeping consistently!), and with the political news again capturing my attention, I thought it might be time to try and resuscitate "Bragging Writes".  Besides, with 2011's arrival comes the "officially unofficial" beginning of the 2012 presidential campaign.  I know that's crazily premature, but it's the reality in today's political world.  And premature or not, nothing gets my blood pumping (and thus my fingers typing) more than a presidential campaign!

So with all of that said, today I'm going to "borrow" from one of my former professors at the University of Virginia, the esteemed Dr. Larry Sabato, Professor of Politics at U.Va., director of The U.Va. Center for Politics, best-selling author, and eerily accurate prognosticator of elections.  In this morning's "Crystal Ball" piece, Sabato gets the ball rolling by handicapping the potential contenders for the Republican Nomination in 2012. 

You can read the entire piece here, and below is the graphic which gives you the short and sweet version:

So take a look, give it a read, and we'll circle back here in a week or so to discuss in a bit more detail.  My thanks to Dr. Sabato for the analysis, the above graphic, and most of all, for serving as a catalyst for my return to blogging!