Thursday, July 24, 2008

International Obamamania!

Apart from Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention next month -- now set to be delivered not in the convention hall as is customary, but at Invesco Field, home of the Denver Broncos, in front of as many as 75,000 people -- today is shaping up to be one of the worst days for John McCain and his campaign.

The poster above was distributed over the last week by the Obama Campaign in Germany, in an attempt to maximize the number of people who will come out to hear Obama when he speaks at Berlin's Victory Column (his request to use the Brandenburg Gate as a venue for the speech having been denied) this afternoon.

The Obama Campaign is hoping -- even expecting, perhaps -- hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic and supportive Germans to turn out to hear the Illinois Senator when he speaks. The photos and video will be invaluable from a PR standpoint -- particularly as a means of contrasting the way a President Obama might be received by our allies with the way most perceive President Bush is received. It also won't hurt, the campaign knows, if his speech is compared with that of John F. Kennedy's in Berlin, the famous Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech.

Obama has proven himself to be a truly gifted orator, and I have no doubt that today's rhetoric and delivery will be masterful -- as will, I am sure, the stagecraft and presentation of the event, an area in which the Obama Campaign has excelled. There is no denying that this will be a highlight of Obama's candidacy, and that the images and footage are ones we'll see many more times between now and November.

Nothing McCain can do today (short of announcing his running mate) will trump this news, and for many Americans, the sight of someone who could be our next president being received with adoration in a foreign country will be electoral cat nip. As mentioned in my last post, the McCain Campaign has enough problems on its own without having to deal with an opponent and his campaign who are unquestionably on a roll.

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